class: center, middle # CSCI 395.86 Open Source Software Development
## Working in the Linux Command-Line: ### A Short List of the Best and Greatest Commands .author[ Stewart Weiss
] .license[ Unless noted otherwise all content is released under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License]( ] --- # Overview - There are many different Unix operating systems. __Linux__ is one of them. Other popular forms of Unix include BSD variants such as FreeBSD, proprietary versions such as IBM's AIX and Oracle's Solaris, and Android. - Most of what is in these slides is true of all "flavors" of UNIX, but some of it is only true of Linux. - There is too much to cover about working in the Unix command-line in a short slide presentation. - These slides cover many topics, none in great depth. But they are designed to cover the most important aspects of working in the _UNIX programming environment_. - Working in the command-line really means two things: - using Unix __commands__ and - using the __shell__. - These slides focus on commands primarily and just a bit about the most common Linux shell, __bash__. The next slide set covers `bash`. - You are encouraged to read the many resources on the topics presented here. The last slide has links to the ones I think are good and concise. --- # A Bit about Shells - You need to know a bit about shells before you can type any commands in Unix, so we begin with the very basics. - A __shell__ is an interactive command-line interpreter for the operating system, but it is also a programming language. - A __command-line interpreter__ is a program that displays a prompt (such as '$') and waits for you to type a command. When you type the command followed by a _newline_ character, it "executes" that command and then redisplays the prompt and starts this cycle all over again. - Example: ```bash $ whoami stewart ``` - `whoami` is an unusual command - it displays your username just in case you forgot. - The prompt can be customized in many ways*. On the system in which I have prepared these slides, whose name is `harpo`, my prompt is ```bash [stewart@harpo slides]$ ``` .footnote[ The PS1 shell variable in `bash` controls the first level prompt string. ] --- # Command Introduction - Unix commands are the tools that you use to get things done in Unix. You type their names at the shell prompt, and they do their magic. - Examples ```bash $ date Thu Mar 28 11:22:45 EDT 2019 $ echo "Hello world. Code responsibly!" Hello world. Code responsibly! $ wc css/slides.css 167 332 2661 css/slides.css ``` - The `date` command displays the current time and date; - `echo` displays the strings that follow it on the command-line; - `wc` is short for __w__ord __c__ount; it displays the number of lines, words, and characters in the file(s) whose names follow it on the command-line. --- # Files and Directories - Files reside in a large tree called the __directory hierarchy__. Each has a __pathname__ describing the path from the root of the tree (which is called /) to the file. - A directory is just a special type of file that contains a table with file names and a way to find the actual files on the system's storage devices. - There are two special directories: the __home directory__, and the __current working directory__. The home directory is the one you see when you login to the Unix system. The current working directory is the one you are "currently in". - The home directory has the abbreviation `~` and the current directory has the abbreviation `.` ( a period). - The `ls` command displays the contents of a directory: ```bash $ls . bash_tutorial.html css img js ``` - As a convenience, files in the current directory can be named by their last component. That is why a file like `/home/stewart/notes` can be abbreviated to `notes` when my current directory is `/home/stewart`. --- # Types of Commands - Every Unix __command__ is either an executable file, or a command that is built into a shell (or sometimes both!) - Commands like `ls` and `date` are executable binaries. - Commands like `cd` and `bg` are usually __shell built-ins__; they are implemented within the shell program itself. - Commands like `pwd` and `echo` are both shell built-ins and executable files. - If a command is an executable, the `which` command will display the (absolute) pathname of that executable: ```bash $which ls /bin/ls ``` - The `type` command (which is built-in) displays the type(s) of its arguments: ```bash $type pwd cal pwd is a shell builtin cal is /usr/bin/cal ``` --- # Getting Help - Of course you can do browser searches for help; on commands, but it is easier to use the resources found right on your machine. - The `man` command is the first thing to try. `man` is short for __man__ual. - To access the __manual page__ for a command, type `man` followed by the command name. E.g., ```bash $man ls ``` brings up the man page (short for manual page) for `ls`. - There is also the `info` command, which works for those commands that have `info` pages. Not all pages do. Type ```bash $info ``` to see the starting page for the `info` system, which lists its table of contents. --- # Categories of Commands - There are thousands of commands. Following are categories with the most useful commands in each, in no particular order. - File and Directory Processing - `ls, more, less, cat, file, view, od, strings, pwd, basename, dirname,` `find, diff, cmp, touch, mv, cp, rm, rename, ln, cd , chmod, rmdir, mkdir` - Filters* - `awk, cat, cut, grep, head, less, more, od, paste, sed, shuf, sort, split, tac, tail, tr, uniq, wc` .footnote[ * Some filters are listed above as well. ] - System and User Information - `date, domainname, du, groups, hostname, id, last, printenv, users, times, who` - Process and Job Control - `bg, fg, jobs, pgrep, ps, kill, pkill, timeout, uptime, ^C, ^D, ^S, ^Q` - Miscellaneous - `seq, echo, yes, man, bc` --- # General Command Syntax - In general, commands may have options and arguments. The general form is ```bash commandname [options] arguments ``` where square brackets [] mean that the thing enclosed in them is optional. - Options begin with a hyphen `-`. Multiple options are usually allowed. For most commands, if the option does not require an argument of its own, it may be combined with other options using a single hyphen. E.g.: ```bash $ls -a -l ~ ``` can be written ```bash $ls -al ~ ``` but ```bash $cut -d, -f2 names.csv ``` cannot be written ```bash $cut -df,2 names.csv ``` --- # Viewing Files - Many of the commands to view the contents of files are simple to use. Some are intended for text files only, others any type of file. Because they are easy, no examples are given. Look up the syntax and options in the man pages. - All are used by following the command name with a list of files. They include: - `more` and `less` - display a screenful at a time of the given text files - `view` - brings up the `vi` editor in read-only mode. Use it only if you know `vi`. It can be given multiple text file names. - `cat` - "__c__oncatenates __a__nd __p__rints" its list of text file arguments. It whizzes by on the screen, so use it only to see small files. - `od` - displays an "octal dump" of any file, including binaries. It has lots of options to make it very useful. - `strings` - print the strings of printable characters in files. It is very useful for finding the strings in compiled code. --- # `ls` - This lists information about files and directories - Syntax: ```bash ls [option]... [file]... ``` If no files are given it lists information about the current directory. - Some very useful options: ```bash -l - produce a "long" listing -a - show all files, including hidden ones -F - append trailing character to classify type -t - sort by time of last modification, most recent first -R - recursively list subdirectories ``` - Examples - list all files in current directory with most recent first, classifying ```bash $ls -atlF ``` - list all files sorted by access time ```bash $ls -atulF ``` --- # `basename` - `basename` strips leading directory path and suffix from filenames - Syntax: ```bash basename pathname [suffix] ``` outputs `pathname` with the leading path removed and, if it has a suffix matching `suffix` with that removed also. - Examples: ```bash basename /usr/bin/sort -> sort basename include/stdio.h .h -> stdio basename include/stdio.h .foo -> stdio.h # i.e., suffix does not match basename ~/hunter/cs395.86_s19/blogs/stewart-weekly -weekly -> stewart ``` --- # `dirname` - `dirname` strips the filename from a pathname, leaving the directory path. - Syntax: ```bash dirname pathname [pathname] ... ``` outputs each pathname with its last non-slash component and trailing slashes removed. - Examples: ```bash dirname /usr/bin/sort -> /usr/bin dirname /usr/bin/gcc /usr/lib/gcc /usr/share/man/man1/gcc.1.gz -> /usr/bin /usr/lib /usr/share/man/man1 dirname ~/hunter/cs395.86_s19/blogs/stewart-weekly -> /home/stewart/hunter/cs395.86_s19/blogs ``` --- # `find` - Its man page states, "search for files in a directory hierarchy", but this is an understatement. It is one of the most powerful commands available in Unix. - The `find` command allows you to apply commands and actions to all files matching a set of search criteria in one or more subtrees of the Unix file system. - Simplified syntax (some options suppressed): ```bash find [starting-point...] [expression] ``` - `starting-points` are the directories to act as the roots of the hierarchies to search. - `expression` describes what is to be searched for; it includes search criteria as well as actions to perform. - With no expression, `find` displays every file in the trees rooted at the `starting-points`. The default action is `-print` ```bash find . -print ``` is equivalent to ```bash find . ``` --- # `find` ### finding by file name - Finding (printing paths to) all files in the directory `dir` whose name ends in `.cpp`: ```bash find dir -name "*.cpp" ``` __Lesson__: The `*` is a shell wildcard that matches 0 or more characters, including the period if it is the first character in the name. - Finding all files in `dir` whose name is exactly `main.cpp` ```bash find dir -name "main.cpp" ``` -- - Finding all files in `dir` whose name ends in any of `.jpg`, `.JPG`, `.JPg`, etc: ```bash find dir -iname "*.jpg" ``` __Lesson__: `-iname` is a case-insensitive version of `-name`. -- - Finding all files in `dir` whose name ends in any of `.jpg`, `.JPG`, `.jpeg`, `.JPEG`, etc: ```bash find dir -iname "*.jpg" -o -iname "*.jpeg" ``` __Lesson__: Expressions return `true` or `false`. `-iname` is a __test__ applied to each file as it is found. If the filename matches, it returns `true` otherwise `false`. The `-o` is a logical OR-operator; its operands above are `-iname "*.jpg"` and `-iname "*.jpeg"`. If either is true then the filename passes the test. --- # `find` ### finding by time stamp - Unix timestamps files with three stamps: time of last access, time of last modification, and time of last change of status (file properties). - Finding files in `dir` that have been __modified__ within the past 3 hours: ```bash find dir -mmin -180 ``` __Lesson__: -mmin expects an argument in minutes. The `-` in front of 180 means "less than". -- - Finding files in `dir` that have been modified more than 3 hours ago: ```bash find dir -mmin +180 ``` -- - Finding files in `dir` that have been __accessed__ (use `-amin`) exactly 3 hours ago: ```bash find dir -amin 180 ``` -- - Finding files in `dir` whose __status changed__ (use `-cmin`) within the past 8 hours: ```bash find dir -cmin -480 ``` --- # `find` ### finding by other properties - In Unix, properties such as size, type, permissions, user ownership, group ownership, and more, are stored in a special structure called an __inode__. `find` can test any of these properties. - Finding files in `dir` larger than 500 Kilobytes (1024 bytes): ```bash find dir -size +500k ``` -- The letter after the number can be `c`, `w`, `k`, `M`, or `G`. Guess what they stand for. - Finding files in `dir` that are executable: ```bash find dir -executable ``` -- - Finding files in `dir` that are owned by user stewart and group cs_ossd ```bash find dir -user stewart -a -group cs_ossd ``` __Lesson__: `-a` is the logical AND-operator --- # `find` ### finding by other properties - Finding files in `dir` for which people other than the owner and the group have write access, whether or not the owner or group does. ```bash find dir -perm -002 ``` It is dangerous to let anyone be able to write to a file. This looks for all such files. - Finding files in `dir` for which the owner has read, write, execute permission and no one else has access of any kind: ```bash find dir -perm 700 ``` - Finding files in `dir` that are __regular__ files: ```bash find dir -type f ``` To find directories, replace `f` with `d`. --- # `find` ### taking actions when files are found - You can use add __actions__ to expressions. These actions can be applied to the files for which the test returns true, or to a set of arguments that follow the action. - Useful actions include `-print`, `-prune`, and `-exec`. There are many others. - `-prune` is used to prune the search, i.e., prevent it from descending the tree. - `-exec
` executes the
that follows it. - Run the `file` command on every regular file below the current directory : ```bash find . -type f -exec file '{}' \; ``` __Lesson__: `exec` is followed by a command. `{}` after the command is replaced by the file that matched the test. It must be written in quotes, and the semicolon must be escaped with backslash as shown. - Remove every file whose names ends in `~` below the current directory (dangerous if you make a mistake): ```bash find . -name "*~" -execdir /bin/rm '{}' \; ``` --- # Streams, Files, and Redirection - A __stream__ is a flow of bytes into or out of a running process. In Unix, a stream is implemented with a data structure that includes buffers to store the bytes and various data members to control its flow and keep track of the status of the stream. - Unix provides every running process with three __standard streams__: - __standard input__, __standard output__, and __standard error__
- Streams can be connected to devices or files or other processes, as you will see shortly. - When a process is created, it is given an array that has pointers to its open files; pointers to these three streams occupy the first three array entries, namely standard input is index 0, standard output 1, and standard error 2. - Initially, standard input is connected to the keyboard (terminal device), and standard output and error, the terminal device*. .footnote[ * The terminal window is called a pseudo-terminal in Unix. ] --- # File Descriptors and Streams - The index values in the array of open files belonging to the process are called __file descriptors__. The table below summarizes the different views of the standard streams. File
Descriptor | Stream | Associated Device | C symbolic name :---|:---|:---|:--- 0 | Standard Input | Keyboard |stdin 1 | Standard Output | Screen or Terminal Window | stdout 2 | Standard Error | Screen or Terminal Window |stderr --- # Redirection ### Input Redirection - All shells allow for any stream to be disconnected from its default device and reconnected to or from files, the streams of other processes, or other devices. This is called __I/O redirection__. - Attaching a file to the standard input is called __input redirection__. The `<` operator is the __input redirection operator__: ```bash command < file ``` Example: ```bash cat < file1 ``` The contents of file1 are redirected to the standard input of the `cat` command, which is not very useful, but illustrates the idea. --- # Redirection ### Input Redirection The `bc` command can be used as a simple calculator. If you type `bc` on the command line, it waits for you to enter an arithmetic expression such as 25 + 4 or something more complex. When you type
it evaluates and prints the expression. 6 + 4 --
10 --
12 ^ 2 --
144 -- Suppose `file1` contains the sequence of arithmetic expressions ```bash 6 + 4 12 ^ 2 ``` -- Run the command `bc < file1` at the command prompt: ```bash $ bc < file1 10 144 ``` This shows that file1 replaced `bc`'s standard input. --- # Redirection ### Output Redirection - Attaching a file to the standard output is called __output redirection__. The `>` operator is the __output redirection operator__: ```bash command > file ``` Example ```bash cat file1 file2 file3 > combined_file ``` concatenates files `file1`, `file2`, and `file3` into a new file named `combined_file`. If `combined_file` already existed and the `bash` variable `noclobber` is set, the command fails and you will see an error message such as ```bash bash: combined_file: cannot overwrite existing file ``` -- To overcome this, use the `>|` operator, which will forcibly replace the existing file: ```bash cat file1 file2 file3 >| combined_file ``` --- # Redirection ### Error Redirection - Attaching a file to the standard error is called __error redirection__. The `>` operator is also used to redirect standard error, but with a slight modification; use ```bash command 2> file ``` __No space__ between `2` and `>`. `2` is the file descriptor for the standard error stream. In general, if _n_ is a file descriptor, _n_`>` redirects the stream associated with it to the file. -- - To send the errors of a command to one file and the standard output to another, the simplest solution (there are a few ways to do this) is: ```bash command 2> error_file > output_file ``` If either file exists and `noclobber` is set, it will fail; to overwrite them use ```bash command 2>| error_file >| output_file ``` - To redirect the standard output and the standard error to the __same__ file, use ```bash command &> file ``` --- # Redirection ### Redirection Examples - Some commands can produce many error messages. Sometimes you don't care about the errors. If you try to display the _entire file system_ (bad idea) using `ls -R` there will be many `permission denied` errors. The way to discard them is like this: ```bash ls -R / 2>/dev/null > verybigfile ``` __Lesson__: `/dev/null` is a black hole; any data written to it is discarded. - We can take advantage of the fact that __the `cat` command reads from standard input if it is not given a filename as an argument__, to create a plain text file while taking notes, like this: ```bash $ cat > notes blah blah blah ^D (Control D to stop) $ cat notes blah blah blah ``` We must type Control-D to terminate the `cat` command and close the new file named notes. --- # Redirection ### Appending - To append to a file (or to create it if it does not exist) use the `append redirection operator` `>>`. ```bash command >> file ``` which adds the output of the command to the end of the file. - Sometimes you will find it useful to log the results of a command that you run, or perhaps log its errors. Suppose `backup` is some backup command that you run every day. You can do either: ```bash backup 2>> ~/.backup_errlog >> ~/.backuplog ``` which sends the errors of the command to one log file and the standard output to another. --- # Pipes - Attaching the standard output of one command to the standard input of another is done by creating a __pipe__. The `|` operator is the __pipe operator__. - Syntax: ```bash command1 | command2 ``` - The real power of pipes is that they can be used with __filters__. Examples of pipes will follow the introduction of filters. --- # Filter Introduction - A filter is a UNIX command whose input and output are plain text, and that expects its input from standard input and puts its output on standard output. - Most filters will also read their input from one or more filenames listed on their command-line. - Filters are useful because their output is a transformation of their input, in one way or another, such as by sorting it, removing words or lines based on a pattern or on their position in the line or file. - Filters are chained together with multiple pipes to do become the workhorses of Unix systems. --- # Filter Synopsis Filter | Description :--- |:--- `awk` | pattern scanning and processing language `cat` | concatenate files and print on the standard output `cut` | remove sections from each line of files `fold` | wrap each input line to fit in specified width `grep, egrep, fgrep` | print lines matching a pattern `head` | output the first part of files `less` | does more than `more`; see `more` below. `more` | file perusal filter for crt viewing `od` | dump files in octal and other formats `paste` | merge lines of files `sed` | stream editor for filtering and transforming text `shuf` | generate random permutations `sort` | sort lines of text files `split` | split a file into pieces `tac` | concatenate and print in reverse order `tail` | output the last part of files `tr` | translate or delete characters `uniq` | report or omit repeated lines `wc` | print newline, word, and byte counts for each file --- # `cat` and `tac` - The `cat` command is a technically a filter, but without options it does no transformation: its output is exactly its input. - It does have some handy uses. The `-n` option numbers lines, `-b` numbers non-blank lines, `-s` _squeezes_ blank lines, and `-v` shows non-printing characters: ```bash ls . | cat -n 1 bash_tutorial_01.html 2 css/ 3 img/ 4 js/ ``` lists the current directory and numbers the lines. - `tac` prints the lines in reverse order. I rarely have use for it. ```bash ls . | cat -n | tac 4 js/ 3 img/ 2 css/ 1 bash_tutorial_01.html ``` --- # `head` and `tail` - Simply put, `head` displays the first _N_ lines of its input and `tail`, the last _N_ lines. By default for both, _N_ is 10. To print a different number of lines, explicity use `-N` where _N_ is a positive integer: ```bash head -1 myfile ``` displays just the first line of `myfile`, and ```bash tail -1 myfile ``` displays the last line. -- - One way to print the _nth_ line of a file is like this: ```bash head -4 myfile | tail -1 ``` which prints the 4th line of `myfile`. So I can use the following pipeline to get the summary of any command from the man page for it: ```bash man awk | head -4 | tail -1 ``` since the summary is always line 4. --- # `sort` - `sort` is one of the most useful and easy to use filters: ```bash sort myfile ``` will sort the text file named `myfile` and print it on standard output. -- - But its exact behavior varies from one system to another; there are many different implementations of `sort`. -- - By default it uses the current `locale` settings (the _collating order_ set in your environment*). The major difference in English is whether uppercase precedes lowercase or whether case is ignored. - Locales are a subject way ahead of us. Suffice it to say that locale environment variables control how information is displayed in the terminal, such as the language and character set, numbers, dates, times, and more. .footnote[ * The collating order is the order of the characters in the character code of the terminal, which is usually ASCII or UTF-8. ] --- # `sort` Examples - Assume `myfile` contains the lines ```bash a b A B ``` Forcing the locale to be U.S. English and running `sort`: ```bash LC_COLLATE="en_US.UTF-8" sort myfile a A b B ``` Forcing the locale to be the "C" locale and running `sort`: ```bash LC_COLLATE=C sort myfile A B a b ``` --- # `sort` Examples - To force `sort` to ignore case and fold upper and lower case together, using GNU's `sort`, the option is `-f`: ```bash LC_COLLATE=C -f sort myfile a A b B ``` - `sort` by default will treat numbers like strings. For example, it will sort 1, 2, 10, 20 in this order: 1, 10, 2, 20. - To tell `sort` to sort __numerically__, use `-n`. - To tell `sort` to __reverse__ its order, use `-r`. - To tell `sort` to delete duplicate lines on output, use `-u`. - `sort` can sort by __fields__ in a line. The GNU version uses the `-k` option to specify the specific _key_ position (1-based). The `-t` option tells `sort` what character keys in the line. By default `sort` uses whitespace. If a file has colon-separated fields, and you want to sort numerically by field 2, use ```bash sort -t':' -k2 -n myfile ``` --- # `uniq` - `uniq` filters out matching adjacent lines from its input stream, sending unique lines to output. If the input stream is sorted and has duplicates, this produces output with duplicates removed: ```bash sort mydata | uniq ``` produces a stream of unique lines from the file `mydata`. - It has several useful options as well: ```bash -i - ignore case when trying to match -c - prefix lines by the number of occurrences -d - only print duplicate lines, one for each group -u - only print the unique lines ``` --- # Combining Filters - Putting some of this filters together, NYC Open Data has a database of baby names whose lines look like this: ```bash 2011,FEMALE,HISPANIC,Geraldine,13,75 2011,FEMALE,HISPANIC,GIA,21,67 2011,FEMALE,HISPANIC,GIANNA,49,42 ... ``` - Many names are repeated. We can get the frequencies of each name using this pipeline, assuming the file is named `babynames.csv`: ```bash sort -k4 babynames.csv | cut -d, -f4 | uniq -ic ``` where `sort` sorts using the 4th field, after which `cut`* prints only the 4th field, then `uniq` filters out duplicates and puts counts to the left of the names, ignoring case. .footnote[ * The `cut` filter is described later in these slides. ] We can get the ten most frequent names like this: ```bash sort -k4 babynames.csv | cut -d, -f4 | uniq -ic | sort -k1 -nr | head -10 ``` --- # Filters: `grep`, `egrep`, and `fgrep` - These commmands are the most powerful of all. `grep` and `egrep` are given a pattern, called a __regular expression__, and use this to filter lines that match the pattern. `fgrep` is a _fast_, fixed-string version that does not use patterns. - Regular expressions are complex; mastering them is worth the effort because they are used by `vi`, `sed`, `ed`, `awk`, `grep`, and `egrep`. - Some examples to start: ```bash grep '\
' prog.cpp ``` -- prints all lines containing the exact word `cout` in file `prog.cpp`. -- ```bash grep -c '^ *$' prog.cpp ``` -- prints a count of the number of lines in `prog.cpp` that contain only blanks or no characters at all. -- ```bash grep '\/\*.*\*\/' prog.cpp ``` -- prints all lines in `prog.cpp` that have C-style comments `/* ... */`. __Lesson__: Enclose the pattern in single quotes to prevent the shell from interfering. --- # Regular Expression Rules - In the rules that follow, `\0` denotes an empty string. - The complete set of rules can be found in the __regex__ man page in section 7, which defines the POSIX-compliant regular expressions. - Any sequence of characters matches itself: __abc__ matches the string "abc". - A regular expression followed by \* matches the concatenation of 0 or more strings each of which is matched by the regular expression. \* is called the __closure__ operator. - __`a*`__ matches 0 or more `a`'s: - `\0`, `a`, `aa`, `aaa`, ... - __`ab*`__ matches `a` followed by 0 or more `b`'s: - `a`, `ab`, `abb`, `abbb`, ... - __`ab*ac*`__ matches `a` followed by 0 or more `b`'s followed by `a` followed by 0 or more `c`'s: - `aa`, `aba`, `aac`, `abba`, `abac`, `aacc`, `abbba`, `abbac`, ... --- # Regular Expression Rules - Use __`\( \)`__ to group for applying \* to more than one character: - __`\(ab\)*`__ matches 0 or more `ab`'s: - `\0`, `ab`, `abab`, `ababab`, ... - If you use __extended regular expressions__ either by writing `grep -E` or by using `egrep` instead, you can use `+`, the __positive closure__ operator. It matches __1 or more__ strings each of which is matched by the preceding regular expression. You can also use ordinary parentheses for grouping: ```bash egrep '(ab)+' myfile grep -E '(ab)+' myfile ``` both match all lines in `myfile` that have 1 or more consecutive `ab` substrings. - Warning: ```bash grep '(ab)*' myfile ``` only matches `\0`, `(ab)`, `(ab)(ab)`, ... because `grep` was used instead of `egrep`. --- # Regular Expression Rules ### Character Classes - The period __`.`__ matches any single character. ` ` | ` ` :--- |:--- __`[list-of-characters]`__ | matches any single character in the list. __`[a6j&]`__ | matches a, 6, j, or & __`[0-9]`__ | matches any single digit __`[a-zA-Z0-9]`__ | matches any letter or digit __`[]]`__ | matches right square bracket `]` __`[0-9-]`__ |matches any single digit or hyphen __`[-0-9]`__ | matches any single digit or hyphen __`[_a-zA-Z0-9]`__ | matches any letter, digit or underscore. - __`\w`__ is a shorthand for __`[_a-zA-Z0-9]`__. These characters are called __word characters__. - The `^` inside brackets means the complement: ` ` | ` ` :--- |:--- __`[^a6j&]`__ | matches anything except a, 6, j, and & __`[^0-9]`__ | matches anything except a digit. --- # Regular Expression Rules ### Character Classes - You can combine character classes with the * operator to create useful patterns: ` ` | ` ` :--- |:--- __`\(c[acgt]g\)*`__ | matches 0 or more sequences of `cag`, `ccg`, `cgg`,or `ctg` __`[1-9][0-9]*`__ | matches any decimal numeral except 0 __`[A-Z][a-z]*`__ | matches words that start with an uppercase letter. __`[a-zA-Z_][_a-zA-Z0-9]*`__ | matches C/C++ identifiers. __`\(...\)*`__ | matches any string whose length is a multiple of 3. --- # Regular Expression Rules ### Anchors - The caret __`^`__ anchors a regex to the beginning of a line, and the dollar sign, __`$`__, anchors it to the end of the line. - __`\<`__ anchors a regex to the start of a word. This means that the character before it must be a non-word character. - __`\>`__ anchors the regex to the end of a word. This means that the character after it is a non-word character. ` ` | ` ` :--- |:--- __`^drwx`__ | matches lines whose first 4 characters are drwx __`^\w`__ | matches lines that begins with a letter or digit or underscore __`abcd$`__ | matches lines whose last 4 characters are abcd __`^abc$`__ | matches lines that contain only abc __`^$`__ | matches empty lines __`^[ ]*$`__ | matches empty lines or lines containing only spaces __`\
`__ | matches any word ending with `fred` but not words like `freddy` __`\
`__ | matches exactly `fred` surrounding by non-word characters --- # Regular Expression Rules ### Backreferences - When you enclose a basic regular expression in __`\( \)`__ brackets, or an extended regular expression in ordinary parentheses __`( )`__, the string that matched it is "remembered" for future use. - The regular expression __backreference__, __`\1`__, matches the first such "remembered string." In __`\(aa*\)b\1`__ any string that matches `aa*` is saved into a storage cell named \1. The only strings that this expression matches are `aba`, `aabaa`, `aaabaaa`, `aaaabaaaa`, ...,. - In general, the expressions `\1`, `\2`, `\3`, …, `\9` remember matches of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, up to 9th parenthesized regular expressions. - The expression __`^\(.*\):\(.*\)::\1:\2$`__ matches lines of the form `x:y::x:y` where `x` and `y` are possible empty strings, such as abc:666::abc:666 --- # Filters: `cut` and `paste` ### `cut` - Both `cut` and `paste` are handy. `cut` can be used to cut lines in specific places, whether at character positions, or by field positions, and can output the cut pieces with different output delimiters. You can specify what delimits the fields. - The default field separator is the TAB character. - You can use `cut` on csv files to pick out columns: - Examples ```bash cut -f1,5 -d: /etc/passwd ``` prints the first and fifth fields of the `/etc/password` file, i.e., the username and "gcos" field. ```bash cut –c1-10 myfile ``` prints only the first 10 characters of each line of `myfile`. --- # Filters: `cut` and `paste` ### `paste` - `paste` combines lines consisting of the sequentially corresponding lines from different files, separated by TABs, to standard output. - Example: Suppose that there are two files named `cities` and `countries` whose contents are as shown below (in two columns to save space.) .left-column2[ ```bash $ cat cities Rome Paris London Dublin Tokyo ``` ] .right-column2[ ```bash $ cat countries Italy France England Ireland Japan ``` ] .below-column2[ Then the `paste` command will "merge" the files onto standard output, separating the words with tabs: ```bash $ paste cities countries Rome Italy Paris France London England Dublin Ireland Tokyo Japan ``` ] --- # Filters: `cut` and `paste` ### `paste` - We can feed standard input into the `paste` command simultaneously. A hyphen '-' represents standard input when it is used in place of a filename argument, as in ```bash paste file - ``` We can use this idea to add numbers to the lines in our previous example, e.g. line 1, 2,3, 4, and 5, as follows: ```bash $seq 1 5 | paste - cities countries 1 Rome Italy 2 Paris France 3 London England 4 Dublin Ireland 5 Tokyo Japan ``` - See what happens when you try ```bash $seq 1 30 | paste - - - ``` Pretty interesting? --- # `awk` - `awk` is not just an extremely powerful filter; _it is a programming language_. The `awk` filter implements the AWK programming language, named after its authors, __A__ho, __K__ernighan, and __W__einberger. - You give `awk` a program and files on which the program is run, and `awk` runs the program on one file after another. The program is either enclosed in single quotes on the command line, or passed to `awk` in a file like so: ```bash awk [AWK-OPTIONS] -f program-file file ... ``` - If the program is enclosed in single quotes on the command-line, then you run `awk` like this: ```bash awk [AWK-OPTIONS] 'program-text' file ... ``` - Unlike the other filters, `awk` treats each input line as a sequence of fields, delimited by an __input field separator__, by default any amount of whitespace. Fields are named `$1`,`$2`, `$3`, and so on. $0 is the entire line. - If there is no file argument, `awk` reads from standard input. - There is a lot to learn about `awk` - these slides contain just some simple examples. --- # `awk` - Every `awk` program is a sequence of __pattern-action__ instructions or function definitions*. .footnote[ * There are other kinds of statements as well, not covered here. ] - A pattern-action instruction is of the form ```bash pattern {action} ``` where the pattern can be any of - `BEGIN` - `END` - a regular expression - a comparison - empty and the action is an instruction in a mostly C-like syntax. - Example ```bash awk ' $1 == "reboot" {print $2; }' file1 file2 file3 ``` which prints the second field in any line whose first field is the string "reboot" from the input files `file1`, `file2`, and `file3`. --- # `awk` - The input field separator can be a character or a regular expression. The command-line option `-F` sets it; use single quotes to protect regular expressions from the shell: ```bash awk -F: '{print $3}' /etc/passwd ``` which separates fields with the colon ":", and ```bash awk -F'aa*' '{print $3}' file1 ``` which separates fields with one or more `a`'s. - Simples uses of `awk` are to print lines with fields that meet a condition, or to print the fields in a different order. `awk` has both a simple `print` instruction as well as all forms of the `C` `printf`: ```bash awk -F, ' {print $1, $2}' names.csv ``` prints the first two fields of every line with a space between them, whereas ```bash awk -F, '{printf "%s\t%s\n", $1, $2}' names.csv ``` prints the first two fields with a TAB between them and a newline after. --- # `awk` - The __`BEGIN`__ pattern causes `awk` to execute the associated action __before__ reading its input. The __`END`__ pattern's action is executed __after__ all input has been read. The following adds the values of field $1 on all lines and prints their sum. ```bash awk ' BEGIN { sum = 0 } { sum += $1 } END { print sum }' ``` - `awk` has variables that do not need declarations, and - `awk` has operators just like those in C. - The `awk` built-in variable __`NR`__ is the total number of records (lines) read so far. __`NF`__ is the number of fields on the current line, so this command prints the average of the field $1 values: ```bash awk ' BEGIN { sum = 0 } { sum += $1 } END { if ( NR > 0 ) { print sum/NR } }' ``` - This ```bash awk ' { printf "Line %d has %d fields.\n", NR, NF }' ``` displays for each input line, a line of the form ```bash Line 1 has 10 fields. ... ``` --- # `awk` - The variable `$NF` is the last field on a line, so ```bash awk '{ print $NF }' ``` prints the last field on every input line. - The variable `FNR` is the input record number __in the current input file__. We can print the headings of a CSV file using the following `awk` script: ```bash cat somecsvfile.csv | awk -F, ' \ { if (FNR==1) \ for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) \ printf "Field %d:\t%s\n",i,$i \ }' ``` The backslashes are needed to prevent the shell from treating each line as a separate command. Notice that `$i` is used to iterate through `$1`, `$2`,... `$NF`. --- # `awk` - You can use extended regular expression matching in the pattern: ```bash awk -F, ' BEGIN {sum = 0} $1 ~ /[AB].*/ { sum += $3 } END {print sum}' names.csv ``` which adds the values from field $3 for all input lines whose first field starts with an "A" or a "B" from the csv file `names.csv`. All extended regular expressions can be used in `awk`. They must be enclosed in `/ /` brackets. - Logical expressions can be patterns. This `awk` script finds the smallest unused user id in the password file to assign to a new user: ```bash ypcat passwd | \ awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":" ; MAX = 0 } ($3 > MAX ) {MAX = $3} \ END {printf " %s\n", MAX+1} ' ``` The baskslashes are used at the ends of lines that are part of the command. And `FS` is the field separator variable. This is another way to dynamically change it. --- # `awk` - `awk` has the following control flow statements: - if (condition) statement [ else statement ] - while (condition) statement - do statement while (condition) - for (expr1; expr2; expr3) statement - for (var in array) statement - break - continue - delete array[index] - delete array - exit [ expression ] - { statements } - a switch statement like C's. - `awk` also has many built-in functions, including numeric functions, string functions, time functions, bit manipulationm and more. - It has array variables as well. - There is much more to `awk` than can be described in a few slides. The man page is a good place to look for a comprehensive description of what it can do. --- # Filters yet to come: - Some filters have not yetmade it into these slides. The most important of these are - sed, shuf, split, tr Of these, `sed` is the most powerful, and the hardest to master. The others have a shallow learning curve, and you can read the manpages for them to figure out how to use them. --- #Useful Links A list of some relevant links - [List of Common Linux Commands]( - [Linux Scripting Tutorial]( - [GNU bash Manual]( - [Introduction to Text Manipulation in Unix](|outline) --- ## Exercises Start with some easier ones first. In the exercises, the word _command_ is means a structured command - you might need to use pipes or even nested commands. - Write a command that generates a permutation of the integers from 1 to 100 in a file named `permutation100`. - Write a command that prints the number of times that the word "lie" occurs in the set of all files in the current directory with a .html extension. Make it case insensitive. - The `ps` command displays process status information for a set of processes running on the local machine. With the `-ef` flags, `ps` lists the status of every process. Look at its output and then write a command that, when given a user's name, prints the number of processes currently running on that user's behalf. Although the slides so far have not shown the form of a script, you can model it from the following: ```bash #!/bin/bash # Print the first command line argument and exit echo $1 ``` The `$1` is replaced by the word typed after the script's name. For example if the above script is in a file named `echo1` then we would see the following: ``` $ echo1 hello hello ``` --- ## Exercises - The history command in bash displays the commands you have run recently. The file `~/.bash_history` stores by default the last 500 commands. Inspect that file and then write a command that displays the ten commands you have used the most recently. - (HARD) There is a command called `cal` that displays a calendar in Linux: ```bash $ cal April 2019 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ``` Using only `echo` and `paste`, try to display the calendar in a similar format for the current month. Hint: if you enclose a sequence of commands in parentheses, they are treated as a single command, e.g.: ```bash $ (echo hello; echo goodbye) | wc 2 2 14 $ echo hello; echo goodbye | wc hello 1 1 8 ``` --- ## Exercises - Suppose that you want to drop down the headings by one level each in a set of markdown files whose names end in a `.md` extension, in a directory named `documents`. For example, you want a heading starting with `#` to become a `##` heading, and a `##` heading to become a `###` heading. But you do not want level 4 headings to change, so `####` stays as `####`. You are not sure whether there are spaces after the heading tag before the actual text. You can do any of the following: 1. Open a graphical editor and use its __find/replace__ feature on each and every file. 1. Open a command-line editor like `vi` or `vim` and use its find functionality to find every occurrence and change it. 1. Use `vi` or `vim` to do a __global substitution__. 1. Use a well-designed `sed` command to do all of the replacements in a single shot. The last alternative is clearly ther best use of your time, and you can ask `sed` to make a backup in case you are nervous about ruining your files. What is the `vi` substitution that will do this? What is the `sed` command that can do this? --- ## Exercises - Suppose that for stylistic reasons, you need to replace every C-style single-line comment in your C++ file by C++ style comments. For example, you need to replace ```bash /* The following code finds the min element in the array */ ``` by ```bash // The following code finds the min element in the array ``` regardless of whether there is code to the left of the comment. You can do any of the following: 1. Open a graphical editor and use its __find/replace__ feature. 1. Open a command-line editor like `vi` or `vim` and use its find functionality to find every occurrence and change it. 1. Use `vi` or `vim` to do a __global substitution__. 1. Use a well-designed `sed` command to do all of the replacements in a single shot. The last alternative is clearly ther best use of your time, and you can ask `sed` to make a backup in case you are nervous about ruining your files. What is the `vi` substitution that will do this? What is the `sed` command that can do this? ---